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Siirry ajankohtaiseen koulutustarjontaan

Englantilainen filologia, aineopinnot (AVOIN YO)

35 op, Academic Year 2019-2020 , ayA110102




Contact studies




Tarkemmat tiedot löytyvät järjestävästä oppilaitoksesta: Pohjois-Pohjanmaan kesäyliopisto

Koulutuksen tiedot

Opintokokonaisuus koostuu seuraavista opintojaksoista

English Philology

English today enjoys a special status as the global language. It is written, spoken and understood throughout the world and has become the most important medium not only for international communication of all sorts (casual and informal, commercial and industrial, political and diplomatic, etc.) but also for the dissemination of scientific and scholarly research. This high status of English throughout the world requires high standards for the teaching of English on many different levels. The curriculum for English Philology is therefore designed to address these requirements and to offer a carefully graded mix of courses focusing on the practical aspects of using both written and spoken English, as well as courses in the fields of Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Literature and Culture.

Practical information

Assessment methods vary from course to course: for example, some courses require regular attendance and the regular submission of homework or coursework, while other courses are assessed by a final written examination, for example an exam or a term paper.


Open university


Academic Year 2019-2020


1101 Englannin kieli

Opetuksen järjestäjä

Pohjois-Pohjanmaan kesäyliopisto



Osallistujien enimmäismäärä

Opinnoissa on rajoitettu osallistujamäärä. Opintoihin valittavilla tulee olla suoritettuna englantilaisen filologian perusopinnot sekä hyväksytty lähtötasokoe.

Viimeksi päivitetty: 30.5.2023