New MOOC courses - Try studying at the University of Oulu right away!
New MOOCs have been launched in the continuous learning offering of the University of Oulu. The Climate in Mind and Language MOOC will give you the skills to identify and consider emotions caused by climate change as part of constructive climate interaction. The Persuasive Systems Design MOOC will help you understand how information technology can be used to influence your thinking.

MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) are online courses that are open to everyone and can be completed entirely on your own schedule. MOOCs offer anyone the opportunity to explore the high-quality, wide-range educational offering at the University of Oulu.
MOOCs cover topics of interest to a wide audience and are based on teaching and research at the University of Oulu. MOOCs allow you to learn about a new, topical phenomenon or take a low-threshold peek into a new field of study.
Last updated: 22.6.2023