Open University study instructions

The Open University provides you the opportunity to study regardless of your age or prior education. The Open University offers study modules and individual courses. By enrolling in a course, you will be automatically granted the study right – there is no need to apply separately.
After you have registered for the course, you will receive a student letter by email. The student letter includes information you need in order to start studying at the Open University. If you do not receive the student letter, check your email’s junk mail, or contact avoin.yliopisto(a)
Some courses are organized by educational institutions in cooperation, and in these cases the institutions will provide the required information.
Teachers responsible for the study module give you advice and guidance if needed related to the contents and practices of the courses. The Open University designers advice on the practices of Open University and the planning of studies.
If you want more detailed information about your studies (e.g. planning your own study path, The Open University Route or other practical matters) you can also make an appointment for personal study counseling. In that case make an appointment in advance from the designer in that particular field of education.
You can reach the designers via email: avoin.yliopisto(a)