Vieras kieli, englanti (KPTK) (AVOIN YO)

3 op, Summer 2023 , AY902130Y




Web-Based Studies




Tarkista hinta yhteistyöoppilaitoksen sivuilta

Koulutuksen tiedot

The aim of this course is to enhance and activate students' skills in all modes of communication, that is, reception, production, interaction and mediation. Course activities will enable students to collaborate and explore field-related topics through the medium of English. The course will consist of a compulsory classroom component, as well as elective self-study packages to be completed independently.

The course activities include, but are not limited to:
-texts and short videos related to education and teaching
-formal and semi-formal reading, writing and vocabulary practice
-oral presentation practise
-communicative activities


Open university


Summer 2023

Opetuksen järjestäjä

Pohjois-Pohjanmaan kesäyliopisto




Required proficiency level:

Students are expected to have had English as their A1 or A2 language at school or have acquired equivalent skills. If you need to take English but lack this background, please get in touch with the contact teacher for the course to discuss individual solutions.

Huom! Voit suorittaa kesäyliopiston kautta vain 3 op kokonaisuuden, eli hyväksiluku ja vapautus osasta kurssista ei ole käytössä kesän kurssilla.

Viimeksi päivitetty: 29.3.2023