Business Studies for English Competence (AVOIN YO), Pohjois-Pohjanmaan kesäyliopisto

4 op, Lukuvuosi 2024-2025, AY00AH37

Tarkemmat tiedot opintomaksuista ja ilmoittautumisesta Pohjois-Pohjanmaan kesäyliopistolta.

Kohti yliopistoa

Koulutuksen tiedot




Humanistiset alat

Koulutuksen kuvaus

This project-based course includes the practice of major language learning skills such as reading, writing, speaking, and listening. A great focus is placed on reading and field-related vocabulary expansion. The course includes several projects that were completed through the adoption of entrepreneurial ways of thinking and operating, including creative and strategic thinking and planning, flexibility, and commitment. These skills are practised within the context of different fields of business as the course is partially integrated with courses in the subject studies through the shared use of textbooks, e.g. in Management, Accounting, Marketing and Economics.This course supports the students as they make their first contact with the linguistic world of these areas of study. The course includes individual and group work. All projects must be completed successfully and within all deadlines. The open university course groups are held entirely in Zoom and Moodle. Active participation in the course is mandatory.