Building Business Through Creativity and Collaboration

5 op, Academic Year 2020-2021 , 724816P
Pandemiatilanne ja ilmastonmuutos tarvitsevat nopeasti uusia ratkaisuja eri alojen yrityksissä ja organisaatioissa. Samalla käsitys työstä ja työssä oppimisesta ovat murroksessa. Generations' Lab tuo eri kulttuuritaustaiset, -ikäiset ja eri aloja tuntevat osallistujat kehittämään ratkaisuja ja oppimaan yhdessä yli perinteisten rajojen hyödyntäen design-, taide- ja tulevaisuusajattelua




Web-Based Studies


The course is free.

Koulutuksen tiedot

Entrepreneurs develop activities that aim to challenge the status quo, break rules and subvert systems. Furthermore conflicts, emotional strains and uncertainties are often part of entrepreneurship. But how can such things be taught/learnt?

The course introduces Art Thinking, an agile method to create improbable outcomes with certainty. The method enables out-of-the-box thinking and creative productions where encounters of all sorts are key resources. Instead of writing business plans, the participants create during the Improbable workshops artistic prototypes and organize an art exhibition.

During the Improbable workshops students will are taught the Art-Thinking Method which involves 6 main activities. The students will:

(1) engage in gift-giving practices which foster new and unusual partnerships (Donate);

(2) “steal” from others to create unique propositions (Deviation);

(3) follow a journey without a clear goal but which will eventually make a lot of sense (Drift);

(4) challenge existing rules and values as well as their taken-for-granted assumptions (Destruction);

(5) accept criticism to learn from others (Dialogue), and

(6) exhibit their work to get feedback and find new partners (Display).


Continuous learning


Academic Year 2020-2021


6314 Yrittäjyys

Opetuksen järjestäjä

Oulun yliopisto





Viimeksi päivitetty: 11.10.2021