The Open University of Oulu offers a wide range of studies from several disciplines also in next academic year 2023-24!
The Open University offers a wide range of interesting studies from several disciplines of University of Oulu also next academic year 2023-24. You can study regardless of your age or prior educational background and complete single courses or study modules with a larger scope. At the Open University you can supplement your working life skills and knowledge, or flexibly familiarize yourself with University studies. You can also aim for a degree by completing your studies in advance.
The study fee depends on the scope of the studies and there are also many courses that are free of charge. In addition, we have new courses for example related to communication channels in marketing, starting a company in Finland and learning analytics.
View all the Open University courses held in english here. Course offering for the next academic year will be supplemented during this spring and enrollment to studies of academic year 2023-24 begins in August. Welcome to study!