Ethics and privacy of artificial intelligence and learning analytics (OPEN UNI)
5 ECTS credits, Summer 2025, AY00AZ11
Interested to learn how to apply learning analytics and artificial intelligence for teaching and learning? This is what teachers now and, in the future, need! Join our summer course to gain an overview of pedagogical premises on using algorithm-based technologies in different educational settings.
Our summer course provides both theoretical understanding and hands-on practices to train your competence and knowledge over these topics. During the course, we will create our own insights on data, and discuss timely issues related to the LA and AI use in education.

Education information
Implementation date
Enrollment period
17.03.2025 - 08.05.2025
Field of education
Educational Psychology
Mode of delivery
Web-Based Studies
Maximum participants
Education description
Introduction to AI ethics. Overview of different ethical and privacy issues related to AI and learning analytics use in educational context. Data protection as an important part of privacy. Familiarizing with a critical approach literature to AI and learning analytics. Introduction to students' agency and AI literacy. Individual and group work on assignment. Critical evaluation of selected AI tools in educational context.