Missing skills in Bioinformatics and Data analysis?
Today’s medical and life sciences research generates vast amounts of data, thorough analysis and utilization of which require expertise in bioinformatics and data analytics. However, there is a huge shortage of multidisciplinary skills and competencies in this field.
The University of Oulu now offers an opportunity to gain expertise in bioinformatics and data analysis. These courses are for anyone, who needs or wants to perform bioinformatic and data analyses in practice, especially related to biomedical data.
Seize the opportunity and register for the courses
- Online studies - easy to access from anywhere and anytime.
- Apply the theory into practice with diverse exercises.
- Proceed at your own pace on the recommended curriculum.
- The courses are free of charge.
Learn more and register for the courses:
Bioinformatics and data analysis training module | University of Oulu
Are you interested to work with biomedical data, but lack the basics of biomolecules and types of biomedical data? Please check our biochemistry courses available at the Open University of Oulu:
JOY Course Offering | University of Oulu
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact:
Krista Juurikka, krista.juurikka@oulu.fi
Last updated: 22.12.2021