Intelligent Kainuu - Smart anticipation of companies and competence development in Kainuu

The Intelligent Kainuu project supports ICT-related working life-oriented competence, development of working life, continuous learning and flexible educational paths in the Kainuu-Koillismaa employment area. The project enhances region's competitiveness by improving educational opportunities and availability of competent labour.
ÄK logot yläreunassa

Work-based Education

Would you like to update your IT skills? Are you looking for more information concerning emerging future technologies and digital solutions?

Flexible educational paths will be designed based on the needs of companies operating in the Kainuu-Koillismaa area. Continuous learning will be encouraged by improving the accessibility and awareness of university studies in the area.

Business cooperation

By strengthening the cooperation between business and education, a work-life based collaboration model between secondary education, universities and companies will be developed. Student collaboration includes finding suitable interns and thesis workers for the needs of companies located in Kainuu-Koillismaa area.

FiTech studies

FITech Network University offers studies from all Finnish universities of technology. Courses are available for everyone free of charge. See more: FITech | For future tech talents

Continuous learning

The University of Oulu offers ICT-related courses open for all. JOY, the university of continuous learning, offers courses in English: JOY Course Offering | JOY

Contact information

Business Cooperation Coordinator Outi Kanniainen,

Project Manager Hanna Huotari,

Project newsletter

You can subscribe our newsletter HERE.

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