Towards Data Mining (OPEN UNI)

5 ECTS credits, Academic Year 2023-2024, 521156S
Topics at the course include data mining process in general level. There are 10 study places on this course for the open university students.

Enrollment period


Mode of delivery

Contact studies

Course study period




Education information

Course provides good ability to start Master’s Thesis or graduate studies. Topics at the course include data mining process in general level, data gathering and different data types, quality and reliability of the data, data preparation including the processing of missing values, outliers, and privacy issues, combination of signals from several sources, utilization of data bases in data mining process, and normalization and transformation of data and interdependence of the observations and their distributions. Additionally, topics concerning the generality of the results are covered, as well as, the principles of data division, for example, train-test-validate, cross-validation and leave-one-out methods.

Education format

Continuous learning
Open university


Academic Year 2023-2024

Course organiser

University of Oulu



Maximum participants


Prerequisities and co-requisites

The recommended prerequisite is the completion of 031021P Probability and Mathematical Statistics or similar prior to enrolling for the course.

Contact information

Guidance and counselling

avoin.yliopisto (at)
Last updated: 16.6.2023