Statistics toolkit (OPEN UNI) - Tilastotiedepaketti (AVOIN YO)
1 ECTS credits,
Academic Year 2022-2023
, ay044116S
There is a continuous registration for the course until 31.5.2023.
Opintojaksolle on jatkuva ilmoittautuminen 31.5.2022 saakka.
Enrollment period
Mode of delivery
Web-Based Studies
Independent study
Course study period
Course is free
Education information
The book includes the basic idea of the most usual statistical methods that are used when practicing evidence based medicine.
The students read the book Statistics Toolkit (Perera R, Heneghan C & Badenoch D, ed), BMJ Books, Blackwell Publishing 2008 (e-Book in library) and go through a question series in Moodle learning environment. The system gives the student feedback on the answers and tells whether she/he has passed or failed the course.
Education format
Continuous learning
Open university
Academic Year 2022-2023
5401 Lääketiede
Course organiser
University of Oulu
Prerequisities and co-requisites
It is recommended to complete course 044104S Evidence-based Medicine Toolkit before this course
Contact information
Guidance and counselling
Last updated: 14.3.2023