Reading Comprehension in French
3 ECTS credits,
Academic Year 2023-2024,
No matter what you are studying, this course is tailored for you! This text comprehension course is built on individual work with various texts, also including academic articles of your own field.
If you do not have a study right at the University of Oulu it is possible to apply for a non-degree study right for this course. You can ask about free places using the contact form during the registration period. You can find the link to the form on the course page when the registration period is open. We are happy to help you with choosing the right course.
Enrollment period
Mode of delivery
Independent study
Course study period
30 €
Education information
13 texts on various topics chosen by the course's teacher and 5 texts chosen by the student on topics relevant to their studies. The course also includes a series of online reading comprehension exercises (11 texts).
Education format
Continuous learning
Separate study right
Academic Year 2023-2024
8008 Language studies, French
Course organiser
University of Oulu
Maximum participants
At least 2 places for students from outside / non-degree students.
Prerequisities and co-requisites
904027Y Intermédiaire 2, or equivalent skills (e.g. 3–5 years French at school).
Contact information
Guidance and counselling
Last updated: 13.6.2023