Project Management
Enrollment period
Mode of delivery
Course study period
250€ including all courses
Education information
The training program consists of five courses in project management, focusing on areas such as project management fundamentals, management in project-oriented companies, management of change projects and programs, and practical project management exercises.
This training program consists of the following courses:
Education format
Academic Year 2024-2025
Course organiser
Maximum participants
Prerequisities and co-requisites
Contact information
More information and contact information
Professor Kirsi Aaltonen
For questions regarding registration, please contact:
Anita Pirilä
Registration for the training program is submitted by applying for non-degree study right. The price of the training program is 250€ (10€/ECTS). The application is submitted in e-Forms (Electronic forms of the University of Oulu). Please note that the processing time of the application is about 2 weeks.
Registration instructions:
- Register for the training program by clicking on the ”Apply for non-degree study right” button at the top of the page.
- The link redirects you to the main page of e-Forms. You can log in with Suomi.fi identification.
- After logging in to e-Forms, click form "Application for non-degree studies". Note that there are two forms for non-degree studies: select a form without the JOY prefix.
- Please fill in "Personal data".
- In "Study right" section, write “Project Management training module” to the "Course or study module name" field. Your enrolment will be automatically received for all courses in the training module. You do not need to specify which courses you want to take or how many credits you are completing.
- In the "Studies are needed for" section, please describe shortly your educational background and work experience.
- If you have already completed a project management course, e.g. at an open university, please show this in the application attachments. In this case, you will only pay for four courses, i.e. 200€.
- In the Workflow section at the bottom of the page, please select Faculty of Technology as a “Next assignee” and click the Send-button.
You are informed of a granted non-degree study right through e-mail. You will also receive instructions on how to complete your studies and the practical aspects of the right to study.
The University of Oulu reserves the rights to any changes.