Multi Modal Data Fusion (OPEN UNI)

5 ECTS credits, Academic Year 2023-2024, 521161S
This course will provide a comprehensive introduction to the concepts and ideas of multi-sensor and multi-modal data fusion There are 10 study places on this course for the open university students.

Enrollment period


Mode of delivery

Contact studies

Course study period




Education information

This course will provide a comprehensive introduction to the concepts and ideas of multi-sensor and multi-modal data fusion. We will be concentrated on defining general statistical framework for multi-modal data processing. Using this framework, we will show concepts of common representation and data alignment, Bayesian inference and parameter estimation, sequential Bayesian inference, and machine learning and pattern recognition approaches to data fusion as well as specific models and algorithms in each aforementioned category. Furthermore, the course will illustrate many real-life examples taken from a diverse range of applications to show how they can be benefitted from data fusion approaches.

The course will discuss the following topics:

  1. Introduction
  2. Sensors and architectures
  3. Common representation
  4. Data alignment
  5. Bayesian inference and parameter estimation
  6. Sequential Bayesian inference
  7. Bayesian decision theory and ensemble learning
  8. Recent advances and applications

Education format

Continuous learning
Open university


Academic Year 2023-2024

Course organiser

University of Oulu



Maximum participants


Prerequisities and co-requisites

The required prerequisite is the completion of the following courses: 031078P Matrix Algebra, 031021P Probability and Mathematical Statistics, 521156S Towards Data Mining, and 521289S Machine Learning.

Contact information

Guidance and counselling

avoin.yliopisto (at)
Last updated: 19.6.2023