Introduction to XR Systems (OPEN UNI)
5 ECTS credits,
Academic Year 2024-2025,
Come learn the basics of XR systems in this introductory course
Enrollment period
Mode of delivery
Web-Based Studies
Course study period
Education information
Overview of XR hardware: projectors, screens, light field displays, retinal scanners, waveguides. Overview of XR systems software: rendering systems and methods (gaming engines, panoramas, telepresence) tracking systems and methods (inside-out and inside-in tracking, camera-based methods, lighthouse, natural and artificial markers, IMU integration, sensor fusion. High level overview of human physiology, neuroscience, and human perception in relation to XR hardware and software.
Education format
Continuous learning
Open university
Academic Year 2024-2025
Field of study
Information and communication technologies
Teaching language
Course organiser
University of Oulu
Maximum participants
Prerequisities and co-requisites
The course is an independent entity, and does not require other additional studies carried out at the same time. It can also be considered as the first in the set of courses on XR. It is recommended to take it before VR Systems and Humans course (521291S) and 3D environments and Applications (521040A).
Contact information
Guidance and counselling
avoin.yliopisto (at) oulu.fi
Last updated: 5.12.2024