
Hydrogeology and groundwater engineering

5 ECTS credits, Academic Year 2022-2023 , 488134S
Upon completion of the course, the student will have knowledge on groundwater systems and the basic hydrogeological and engineering concepts involved.

Mode of delivery

Contact studies

Course study period


Education information

2D and 3D groundwater flow, conceptual models, unsaturated layer flow, water storage and retention, heterogeneity and isotropy, aquifer types, pumping tests, geophysical methods, groundwater quality and resources in Finland.

Education format

Continuous learning
Open university


Academic Year 2022-2023

Course organiser

University of Oulu



Prerequisities and co-requisites

The required prerequisite is the completion of the following course prior to enrolling for the course unit: 488102A Hydrological Processes.

Contact information

Guidance and counselling

avoin.yliopisto (at)
Last updated: 21.11.2022