Evidence-based Medicine Toolkit - Näyttöön perustuvan lääketieteen perusteita (OPEN UNI)

1 ECTS credits, Academic Year 2022-2023, ay044104S

Enrollment period


Mode of delivery

Web-Based Studies
Independent study

Course study period


Education information

The students read the book Evidence-based Medicine Toolkit. Heneghan C, Badenoch D. BMJ Books, 2nd ed. 2006 (e-Book in the library) and go through a question series in Moodle learning environment. The system gives the student feedback on the answers and tells, whether she/he has passed or failed the course.

Education format

Continuous learning
Open university


Academic Year 2022-2023


5401 Lääketiede

Course organiser

University of Oulu



Contact information

Guidance and counselling

Last updated: 24.3.2023