Energy Economics (OPEN UNI)
5 ECTS credits,
Academic Year 2024-2025,
Are you interested about how electricity is prized and how economics are influencing the power system?
Enrollment period
Mode of delivery
Web-Based Studies
Independent study
Course study period
Education information
Basics of economics. What is a natural monopoly and why transmission and distribution are such? Economics of natural monopolies. Liberalization and deregulation of the electricity market. Regulation of electricity transmission and distribution sector in Finland. Costs related to electricity production. The role of electricity markets, balancing and reserve markets. Market based flexibility solution in the energy system. Regulation of electricity transmission and distribution sector in Finland. Carbon pricing, Emission Trading System, carbon leakage.
Education format
Continuous learning
Open university
Academic Year 2024-2025
Field of study
Engineering and technology
Teaching language
Course organiser
University of Oulu
Maximum participants
Prerequisities and co-requisites
BSc studies ideally finalized before starting master's level courses. Passing the course will require some mathematics skills
Recommended to take renewable energy and energy system engineering courses prior to this course
Recommended to take renewable energy and energy system engineering courses prior to this course
Contact information
Guidance and counselling
avoin.yliopisto (at) oulu.fi
Last updated: 2.7.2024