Elementary Course in French 1

5 ECTS credits, Academic Year 2024-2025 , 904016Y
Parlez-vous français? There are about 300 000 000 speakers of French in the world on five different continents. How about joining this group?

Enrollment period


Mode of delivery

Contact studies

Course study period



50 €

Education information

The course introduces basic structures of grammar and vocabulary, such as verb conjugation of the present and (near)future tenses, gender and number of nouns, and the use of articles. In addition, the main types of clauses will be presented, i.e., declarative positive and negative clauses as well as interrogative clauses. The course includes various listening, reading, writing and discussion exercises.

The topics of the course include, e.g., presentations, personal interests and hobbies, discussing daily plans, suggesting something, and agreeing on or declining the suggestions. The main focus is on everyday life, including studies and work. Also, cultural differences are discussed regularly during the course.

Education format

Continuous learning
Separate study right


Academic Year 2024-2025


8008 Language studies, French

Course organiser

University of Oulu



Maximum participants

At least 2 places for students from outside / non-degree students.

Contact information

Guidance and counselling

Last updated: 12.6.2023