Digital Image Processing (OPEN UNI)
5 ECTS credits,
Academic Year 2022-2023,
Upon completion of the course the student understands the basic theory of digital image processing and knows its main applications
Mode of delivery
Multiform learning
Course study period
75 €
Education information
- Introduction,
- Fundamentals of digital image,
- Intensity transformations and spatial filtering,
- Image processing in frequency domain,
- Restoration,
- Color image processing,
- Wavelets and multi-scale processing
- Compression,
- Morphological image processing,
- Segmentation
Education format
Continuous learning
Open university
Academic Year 2022-2023
4307 Tietotekniikka
Course organiser
University of Oulu
Prerequisities and co-requisites
521141P Elementary Programming or equivalent Python programming skills,
031080A Signal Analysis or basic knowledge on signal processing.
031080A Signal Analysis or basic knowledge on signal processing.
Contact information
Guidance and counselling
avoin.yliopisto (at) oulu.fi
Last updated: 22.11.2022