Digital Filters (OPEN UNI)
5 ECTS credits,
Academic Year 2023-2024,
Student is able to specify and design respective frequency selective FIR and IIR filters using the most common methods
Enrollment period
Mode of delivery
Web-Based Studies
Contact studies
Course study period
75 €
Education information
- Sampling theorem, aliasing and imaging,
- Discrete Fourier transform,
- Z-transform and frequency response,
- Correlation and convolution,
- Digital filter design,
- FIR filter design and realizations,
- IIR filter design and realizations,
- Finite word length effects and analysis,
- Multi-rate signal processing.
Education format
Continuous learning
Open university
Academic Year 2023-2024
4307 Tietotekniikka
Course organiser
University of Oulu
Prerequisities and co-requisites
031077P Complex Analysis, 031080A Signal Analysis
Contact information
Guidance and counselling
avoin.yliopisto (at) oulu.fi
Last updated: 24.11.2023