Digital Filters (OPEN UNI)

5 ECTS credits, Academic Year 2023-2024 , ay521337A
Student is able to specify and design respective frequency selective FIR and IIR filters using the most common methods

Enrollment period


Mode of delivery

Web-Based Studies
Contact studies

Course study period



75 €

Education information

  1. Sampling theorem, aliasing and imaging,
  2. Discrete Fourier transform,
  3. Z-transform and frequency response,
  4. Correlation and convolution,
  5. Digital filter design,
  6. FIR filter design and realizations,
  7. IIR filter design and realizations,
  8. Finite word length effects and analysis,
  9. Multi-rate signal processing.

Education format

Continuous learning
Open university


Academic Year 2023-2024


4307 Tietotekniikka

Course organiser

University of Oulu



Prerequisities and co-requisites

031077P Complex Analysis, 031080A Signal Analysis

Contact information

Guidance and counselling

avoin.yliopisto (at)
Last updated: 24.11.2023